Every carefully planned show incorporates educational songs, movement and language games, which help promote brain development and early learning in young children.
Every show is different, with a new theme incorporated into the show each week. Having worked in partnership with early years experts over three decades, our diverse team presents educational stories featuring our much-loved characters - from Can-Can the beautiful Bird to laid-back Lion Down and The Thing That Goes Blurgh!
Age Restriction
Tales from the Shed is for children from 0-6 years only. With the exception of older siblings, no children over the age of 6 will be admitted.
If you wish to know more about why this is policy is being enforced please email Pete Dowse (
[email protected]) or Loren Jacobs (
[email protected]) from the Tales team
Seating is mostly on mats on the floor so that children and performers can freely move around the space. Chairs are available for anyone who would prefer not to sit on the floor
You will need to purchase a ticket for everyone from the age of 6 months. If you are bringing a child under 6 months they are free of charge and you do not need to get them a ticket